Frogwomen! Pictures # 16

I guess I presented one or two of the follwing pictures already, but I found some more and I wanna share them with you guys…


(click to enlarge to full size)

 That’s a scuba outfit! Perfect!

Thanks to a comment I have this info:

The model’s name is Aline Sousa, or Aline Pereira, or Aline Macorin


Frogwomen! – pictures – #10

Time for some new frogwomen!

One of them is especially sexy….what a dream it would be to see her underwater in action!



And here are all 7 pictures in full size:

(click to enlarge)

I guess you already know which picture I mean 😉

Near perfection! The black suit, the double hoses, the mask…. WOW!

Imagine an underwater fight scene with her…  🙂


Frogwomen! – pictures – #9

Time for more frogwomen pictures to start 2016!

Some random frogwomen pictures and a little series of pictures on a (female) scuba instructor 😉

Damn, my scuba instructor didn’t look like that…. 🙁



All in all 12 pictures in full size:

(click to enlarge)

Yeah, I shall plan the next scuba vacation…. 😉