Vintage scuba gear on the beach – 2 men in love with 1 woman

Some news first:

– I am still writing on the 2nd scuba fetish story and it takes longer than expected. This time I don’t have a template like for “Vulcan Down”, this time it is a completely new story. Around 11 pages are finished by now and I will finish it until next Sunday if nothing big happens.

Maybe there are folks who subscribed to the VIP club to get this story in September….these folks will get access to (just) the story when it’s ready in October.

And now….today’s video. Someone asked some months ago about this movie, and it took me a while to get my hands on it (pretty rare).

It offers a long scene on a beach where 2 men and 1 woman want to have a good time. Of course, both men love the woman…and that is a slight problem 😉

And all 3 wearing great vintage scuba gear.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, two things are missing for my taste:

An actual diving scene AND color (these wetsuits looks WAY better in color)

But, on the good side, we have great vintage scuba gear and a nice frogwoman.

If you wanna know from which movie this is:


What do you think of the scene?

Leave your comment below!


3 thoughts on “Vintage scuba gear on the beach – 2 men in love with 1 woman”

  1. Nice scene and good quality video. But the best wetsuit parts are reserved for guys 🙁 Damn!
    It’s an old Spanish movie, whose name is a play on words with “three” and “stress”. We can learn that jealousy exists in all times and cultures 🙂


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