The rubber frogwoman and the submarine [Blog exclusive]

Time to make another (and final) post about this early TV show!

And this time in COLOR! πŸ™‚

More here:

…and from the same episode:

Youtube didn’t like videos from that show so I won’t upload it there.



(click to enlarge)


And here is the video:



Watch the video before you continue!

So happy that this scene is at least in color! Even it is the only scene with a frogwoman in the 3 full color-seasons of this show (2-4).

Damn, what a shame…

However, she does look great in that vintage black rubber wetsuit!

Would have been great to have an action scene with her… but sadly that is the last we see of her in scuba gear in that episode.

But definitely a good scene…


Wanna know from which episode this was?



What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment here!



It’s quite possible that this is my last post on the blog… until mid-August.

The next video shoot is approaching quickly and is only 2 weeks away.

The preparations for that and the World Cup in Australia/New Zealand are taking up a lot of my free time.

On August 1, I will update the VIP section as usual.

4 thoughts on “The rubber frogwoman and the submarine [Blog exclusive]”

  1. Fantastic scene, god she looked good! Real shame they never did more scenes with her. I love her diving suit ( and her voice)
    Good luck with the next shoot and enjoy the football, see you in August.

    • It works on Google Drive. You can watch it there and/or download it.
      If you have technical issues you should try another browser or another device (preferably PC).


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