That’s a title! 😉
After the very long post from last weekend, the one today will be rather short.
A friendly user has recommended me several videos on youtube (THANKS!) and today I wanna present two of them.
In the first one, we have three frogwomen in sexy smooth skin wetsuits from Argentina.
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video (not my upload):
Always great to see that there are still some sexy wetsuits that are used for diving nowadays. They are not really made from rubber with that smooth skin surface…that’s the closest we can get to it today.
Funny how fogged up her scuba mask was. Normally she could easily clear that underwater….but as she was diving seemingly in contaminated water….that may be a problem 😆
The second one has two snorkeling women in a crystal clear lake. And they also dress up into their wetsuits early on in the video.
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video (not my upload):
That video isn’t exactly a rare one with over 2 million views but I didn’t know it. Certainly a great lake to dive in as you can actually see something.
Also, you should check out her Youtube channel as many of her videos have something to do with diving!
A shame she doesn’t also SCUBA dive…but hey, perhaps she will try that in the future.
I added a new option for your donations to get into the VIP club of Frogwoman!
From now on you can pay with credit cards as well, even if you don’t have Paypal!
The content of this month (August) can be found here.