Female scuba diver in GREAT wetsuit emerges from the water! [Full HD-UPGRADE + loooonger cut]

This scene was one of the first scenes I posted as a “picture post” in 2013 as the blog started, later I added the video. And now, this movie is available on Blu-ray, so this is a huge improvement in picture quality! And I edited the scene in a way that every second (71) of her in that wetsuit is in it!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In my opinion, of the best “A woman in a great wetsuit” scenes of all time. 🙂

In case you don’t know the title of the movie, here you go:



8 thoughts on “Female scuba diver in GREAT wetsuit emerges from the water! [Full HD-UPGRADE + loooonger cut]”

  1. Awesome footage. She looks both amazing and naked under that very sexy wetsuit. It looks like a very rare (and very sexy) one piece wetsuit not a standard beaver tail. It’s a great shame this is the only time she wears it in the whole film

    • Thanks! Yes, one of the hottest wetsuits I have ever seen in a movie.
      And yes, she should have been underwater in a fight VS the killer, THAT would have been even greater….

    • My source material had no english dub. It has the original dutch language and the german dub.
      So I could only choose between dutch and german.
      But I think the language isn’t that important in this scene 😉

  2. Aquawesome as the frogwoman in her wetsuit and SCUBA gear is, methinks I shalt let Wetfreak at the late and lamented Women In Wetsuits speak for how big a missed opportunity for said frogwoman into an underwater fight with the SCUBA killer is:

    “The irony is that this whole film is very scuba orientated and she doesn’t even go near the water again. ”

    Put a talented frogwoman fight fan in the writer’s and director’s chairs and see what a world of difference that’ll make!

    • Yeah, exactly!
      I mean you have a crazy scuba killer as the villain
      And you have this hot female lead who is in a scuba dive club
      It’s a shame they didn’t add one and one together…


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