Female scuba diver in GREAT wetsuit emerges from the water! [Full HD-UPGRADE + loooonger cut]

This scene was one of the first scenes I posted as a “picture post” in 2013 as the blog started, later I added the video. And now, this movie is available on Blu-ray, so this is a huge improvement in picture quality! And I edited the scene in a way that every second (71) of her in that wetsuit is in it!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In my opinion, of the best “A woman in a great wetsuit” scenes of all time. 🙂

In case you don’t know the title of the movie, here you go:



Sexy frogwoman in rubber walks emerges from the water and gets attacked!

A mysterious frogwoman emerges from the ocean in a 60’s vintage rubber suit!

Here are some pics from the video below:

(click to enlarge)

And here it is, the video:

Rare stuff (at least in color), so I love it! Too bad we don’t see her underwater with that equipment 🙁

But she looks fantastic in that suit (Thunderball vibes!).


And if you wanna know the title, here is the link:

LiNK: Title of the movie