“Empty Tank” by Vicky Devika

After I already posted about a Vicky video on Monday, I wanna present one more stunning video from Vicky Devika today!

Over the last year, I already presented more than 10 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Empty Tank”.


Official description by Vicky:

It’s that ultimate fantasy I keep thinking about… I’m underwater and my air is running low… Only 300 PSI on the gauge! We both know it’s gonna be completely empty soon.

I wait with anticipation until the air runs out, and my mind is going through all the wildest scenarios…

Join me for another scuba peril fantasy scene!

Here are some images from the video:  

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And a preview snippet:


I would guess she filmed this video directly after the “Dive with me“.

The scuba gear is the same, the setting/lightning is the same as well.

But this time the video starts when she is already really low on air, and I must say it was great to see how she greedily sucks for air but the tank is completely empty at one point.

No air left at all, but Vicky manages to hold on for quite a while! Far longer than I could, I might add.

With headphones on, hearing and watching Vicky in latex running out of air….that’s quite something! 🙂

Especially as she is clawing at her regulator, realizing it won’t give her any air anymore.

The next level would be to see another frogwoman battling Vicky, that would be a(nother) dream scenario! 😉


Here are the important links for you:

“Empty Tank” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her gear and this scenario?

You are welcome to post a comment!

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