Three were one too many… – A great scuba fight! [Hall of Fame – UPGRADE]

This one came out of nowhere! Never heard of this one …until a friendly user recommended me a certain movie with his favorite scuba scene. 🙂

THANKS a lot! Of course, he got some free months in the VIP club for such a GREAT recommendation!

And well, it is a great find for me and actually a scene for my Hall of Fame here on Frogwoman.

It offers an extremely rare ending, but more on that later…

Story: A couple invites another couple on a vacation to their beach house. Things between them are getting …”complicated” and the two team up against the other woman.


*EDIT* February 2022, pictures from the new video with better quality:

And here is the video:

*EDIT* February 2022: Thanks to a great guy this scene is now available in so MUCH better quality! Thanks for pimping the video quality up BIG time!

Well, isn’t that a great find for lovers of scuba peril/action?

But let’s start with the negative aspects first.

The sound of the bubbles sounds like bad effects to me.

She drowns way too fast, even she is exhausted after the struggle, she shouldn’t drown in a matter of seconds.

I skipped through the movie (Spanish language only) and it has some weird moments (like the ending on the beach). Overly dramatic music and effects.

Some weird things/errors I found:

The air hose (of the victim) seems to be leaking a bit (right at the 1st stage) during the fight!

Both the evil attackers wore black wetsuits, while she is wearing a colorful wetsuit. That underlines who are the bad guys here.

They rip off her tank….then a close-up of her…the tank is still there! (editing/continuity mistake)

Of course, she is wearing a weight belt, but it is gone (for no reason) as she ends up on the beach. (continuity mistake)

And now to the positive aspects, and there are a lot!

Scuba fights with women are pretty rare (and here we have even 2 involved)! An air hose cut in such a fight scene is even rarer!! And …air hose cut (by an attacker) in such a fight…leading to the death of a frogwoman ….is EXTREMELY rare!!! As a matter of fact, I only know one more scene where that happens.

I love how she really fights against these two. She is focused on not losing her regulator, shielding it with one hand for most of the time, and she fights them off for quite a while!

Such a long struggle scene is very rare as well.


This is the movie:





Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 3 – [Blog exlclusive]

Another great scuba fight scene with a woman in a comic! Thanks for recommending me this one 🙂

Now all you folks may enjoy it too!


« of 7 »


(Click on the image and browse through all 7 images to see the whole action!)

As the comic is obviously in a french language I didn’t really try to understand the whole story but rather concentrated on the scuba action (where no language is required 😉 )

I really love how they struggle and that he goes for her air hose immediately and cuts it.

Love scenes like that!

What I really don’t get… on the cover and later you can see that she actually has a 2nd regulator (in gold/yellow)…..WHY doesn’t she use it as soon her primary/regular air hose is cut?

Perhaps she is in panic or shock….but well, if you can’t get air from your normal regulator…you should try the other one 😉

Ok, she loses a lot of air through the cut hose but until the tank is empty….she can use the 2nd regulator.

Or perhaps she just wanted to be saved by the guy 😉

What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 2 – [Blog exlclusive]

Ok, two weeks ago I asked for recommendations for scuba fight scenes (with women) in comics. There were not many responses, but some REALLY good ones 🙂

So, thanks to a friendly user we can all enjoy this scene! It was shown in 2 comics, and no, I didn’t cut anything out…even there seems to be missing something 😉

Athena Voltaire 002-022
« of 8 »

(8 images in total – click on the images to get the full view)

Well, isn’t that a great scuba fight/peril scene?

And indeed a scene where the double hose of a female diver gets cut by someone (NEVER seen that in a movie!)!

It’s a little weird that they cut the part where she overpowers and stabs him (at the beginning of the 2nd comic)….but nonetheless, it is a great scene 🙂

I like the way he goes for her air hose and cuts it right away…he has the upper hand and just had to wait and keep her hands under control. But somehow he fails to do that.

Fun fact: He cut the left hose (from her view). That would be actually the outtake hose…not the intake hose like it is shown.

She wouldn’t be in big danger like that….

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Frogwomen in action/peril! – [Comics] – Scene 1

Remember these comic scuba peril scenes with Lara Croft?

Part 1

Part 2

Well, with this post I wanna start a new category! There are a lot of comics that have scuba scenes in them. Some of them have scenes with underwater fights or other peril scenes. And some of those should have female divers in them (even most of these action scenes are with men 🙁 ).

So, I wanna present scenes that I found AND scenes that you can recommend (more on that below).

Ok, the scene for today is from a comic book from Germany. So most of you should have problems understanding the written parts.

But don’t worry, the story is very simple.

Mike Nelson (the hero from Sea Hunt!) has found out about a criminal couple who steal from yachts at night. So he swims after them (without scuba gear….he wasn’t prepared) and wants to stop them!

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size!)

Ok, well, the action scene with the female diver only has one panel….but with the text…it really fuels the imagination 😉

English translation of the text in that panel:

Mike passes the girl. He rips the air hose from her tank and forces her to the surface.

Well, that’s a pretty great line 😉

Now imagine that scene in a movie…..wouldn’t that be great?

Ok, these two criminals doing a very poor job. They are 2 against one. They both have full sets of scuba gear. And Mike has no gear at all, not even a mask.

And yet he easily finishes them off….he’s Mike “the scuba warrior” Nelson! 😉

And I don’t know if you actually could rip a modern air hose off a tank….but that’s a nice experiment for someday. 🙂

I will try to get more scenes with female divers in action, but here’s my question!

Do you know any scenes like that? With female divers in action/peril in comic books?

If yes, please let me know! If the scene is good I will offer a free month (or monthS) for the Frogwoman VIP club in return!

EDIT_January 8th:

Thanks for the recommendations so far (by mail, comment, or otherwise)!

I already got 2 great scenes and one good one that will be posted in the next weeks here!

Keep them coming!

Already gave out a total of 6 months of free VIP memberships.

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment below!