Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 2 – [Blog exlclusive]

Ok, two weeks ago I asked for recommendations for scuba fight scenes (with women) in comics. There were not many responses, but some REALLY good ones 🙂

So, thanks to a friendly user we can all enjoy this scene! It was shown in 2 comics, and no, I didn’t cut anything out…even there seems to be missing something 😉

Athena Voltaire 002-022
« of 8 »

(8 images in total – click on the images to get the full view)

Well, isn’t that a great scuba fight/peril scene?

And indeed a scene where the double hose of a female diver gets cut by someone (NEVER seen that in a movie!)!

It’s a little weird that they cut the part where she overpowers and stabs him (at the beginning of the 2nd comic)….but nonetheless, it is a great scene 🙂

I like the way he goes for her air hose and cuts it right away…he has the upper hand and just had to wait and keep her hands under control. But somehow he fails to do that.

Fun fact: He cut the left hose (from her view). That would be actually the outtake hose…not the intake hose like it is shown.

She wouldn’t be in big danger like that….

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

6 thoughts on “Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 2 – [Blog exlclusive]”

  1. This is the kind of scenes that you love, Siggi 🙂
    It’s funny that the wetsuit jacket has holes to hold the beaver tail, but that the jacket does not really have a beaver tail! The drawing is very nice, but maybe better information was needed 🙂

  2. Hi, in deviant art there is an artist named “dragonaur” that has incredible scubies, many pictures and seldom some fiction that lasts like 3-4 scenes. Maybe there are some stories that lasts 15-20 scenes. It’s better if you ask him/her to use his/her art :).


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