An intense scuba figth to the death! [Imagine if…][Blog exclusive]

As promised I wanna show another scene from the same TV show as in the last post:

Out frogwoman who was stuck in the net in that post is in this video as well, but only short as this post isn’t really about her.

I just included her in the video so that you can see her again 😉

This post is rather from my “Imagine if…” series.

We have a pretty long and intense scuba fight with two frogmen. Damn, I wish there would be such a long scuba fight between two frogWOmen 😉

Check it out, I bet you will like it 😉


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Wow, pretty much every way on how to kill an enemy diver is included in this fight…

They try to stab each other, strangle each other, a mask gets ripped off, kick each other, and try to kill the other one with rocks(!) and one tries to smash the other one’s head against rocks.

The scriptwriter was pretty creative for sure! Only a harpoon and a sliced air hose were missing 😉

And the way the good guy finishes the villain (actually Rutger Hauer!) is quite sinister.

I mean I never liked these inflatable vests, especially on frogwomen…. as they obscure the view, but is there no way to stop the inflation once the mechanism was “activated”?

Would like to know if such a “pull cord” had a safety mechanism or so…. I mean I can’t imagine that one unintentional pull on that thing would mean certain death if you are below a certain depth.

I mean, if an enemy diver can be killed with one pull on the inflation mechanism… it’s a very easy method.

Perhaps someone here can explain how these old inflatable vests worked and how “safe” they actually are. Seems like there were quite some potential risks with these vests.. at least regarding misuse.

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


IMDB lists 13 episodes, to my knowledge the show has 6 episodes!?!

Seemingly the show was televised with different long episodes/formats (my guess).

This scene is in episode 6 of 6.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

2 thoughts on “An intense scuba figth to the death! [Imagine if…][Blog exclusive]”

  1. If I remember correctly there’s the scene in the scuba fight in “Magnum PI” where Thomas is grappling with the woman assailant and he pulls the emergency toggle and she goes flying upwards but they’re in shallow water and on the surface she’s fine!


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