A frogwoman (and Casper) VS a shark and evil henchmen – scene 2 and 3 [Blog exclusive]

Ok, Casper and our frogwoman escaped the deadly shark and a net so far. Now they are in 2 scenes in a shark cage.

And of course…the shark wants to take a bite again 😉

And in addition evil henchmen are there too!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

(edit: Had to remove it from youtube – now on google drive)

Google Drive link

Pretty good scenes!

I added the first two minutes before the underwater scenes to show her out of scuba gear in a nice skirt with open hair.

And yeah, the shark looks still kind of…..cheap, but not too bad.

But the underwater scenes are pretty good as these two always get into trouble as soon they are in it 😆

The shark, evil fishermen with a net, henchmen who send the cage to the ground….they don’t have a lot of luck 😉

And these henchmen, really …funny……laughed a lot in this scene:

Pissed henchman #1
Pissed henchman #2

Link to the movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

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6 thoughts on “A frogwoman (and Casper) VS a shark and evil henchmen – scene 2 and 3 [Blog exclusive]”

  1. She’s nice in that wetsuit, but I wish the’d shown more of her wearing it out of the water, suiting up & peeling out of it down to her swimwear.


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