I am interested on your thoughts on Thunderball! After some interesting comments at the start the feedback had slowed down dramatically, so I wanna offer something in return to motivate all you mute visitors 😉
The competition is over, winners are published here.
But still, you are very welcome to comment on the pages of the Thunderball project!
In the NATO frogman attack, at least one of the red wetsuited frogman stuntmen is female, with long red hair.
What??? That would be too great, but you need some proof….is there any point in the movie where it is even slightly visible?
Yes, a few times. When the NATO frogmen jump in, when they’re swimming toward the SPECTRE frogmen, & during the fight.
Wishful thinking 😉
Which scene has the women? If you look at the body shapes, they are all men….nice bodies but their not women.
Will you publish the winners or simply notify them via email?
In my eternal wisdom…ness I decided to give the places 1-3 to myself. And all the free vip-months too!
….just kidding. I will publish the winners tomorrow when I make the update for the VIP-club.
And they will get a mail with the password for May.