Wanted: A logo and a banner for Project F

To the creative folks who actually are good at creating a banner:

I’m looking for banners for Project F!

I would like to have a logo for it (square) and a banner (height x1 to width x3 (at least)).

My first idea was to use existing sexy frogwomen from movies and TV shows….but well, that wouldn’t really fit as Project F wants to create new videos and footage.

Something new, something original is needed!


So, if you are somewhat good at digital drawing, I’m talking to you 😉

The banner and logo should be showing a frogwoman (at least 1) and convey the feeling of danger and action.

The logo/banner should feature a sexy frogwoman in black rubber/smoothskin….posing.

Complete with tank and single or double hose regulator.

A knife would be nice as well to underline the action part.

Or maybe a frogwoman in distress (perhaps air hose sliced?).

Or two frogwomen battling each other.


What do you get in return? Besides eternal glory… 😉

Well, if I choose your art:

I will credit the art here on the page with a link to your DA site…if you have one (or something similar).

You can include lettering (with your DA name for example) in the art as long it doesn’t get too big.

You then get one month or more for the VIP club on this site…..or…..a video (or more) from Project F for free. You can choose.

Don’t know how many will participate, but if make something I really like, but I like the art of someone else even better…..you will get something as well.

And I also could make a blog post here with my favorite designs…depending on the results of this post.

If you wanna participate and have any questions use the contact form on the About + contact site or the comment function.

More info on Project F:

Project F


*EDIT, October 19*

The search is over! Will present the results tomorrow!


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