Vulcan down – An underwater fetish story [written by myself]

Yes, you read right. A certain friend of this site (and myself) has inspired me to write again. I used to write, but that was 20 years ago, and only insane horror-comedies.

This week I discovered how pleasant it is, to write. Especially if you write about something you love.

And I wrote the story in English, not my first language…but it worked pretty well.

So, I came out with 17 pages. 17 pages of underwater (mostly)…. adult action, combined with a LOT of fetish elements 😉

(incl. rubber wetsuits and hoses, scuba peril, scuba fights, vintage scuba gear, gassing, bondage elements, breath control play, and various “drowning peril” elements)

As a present and a big thank you to the VIP 2.0 members, they will get the full 17 pages. If you are a VIP member, you can find the story in the VIP section.

The file will stay there, together with future scuba stories that I will write.

All others can read the first 12 pages (of 17) as an extensive preview version.

The story is based on the Vulcan bomber scenes from THUNDERBALL.

But I changed a lot. The co-pilot is now female (wearing a vintage rubber wetsuit later on) and as I mentioned I added a lot of fetish elements.

She will get into a LOT of trouble 😉

So, if you like any of the elements above…you should get pretty….”excited”….while reading it.

Here is the preview version of “Vulcan down – An underwater fetish story”.


*UPDATE* (PDF-File on this blog)


Edit: Added a poll to find out something I’m curious about….

Which device you use to visit (mostly)?

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And please feel welcome to leave some feedback!

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13 thoughts on “Vulcan down – An underwater fetish story [written by myself]”

    • Well, you need to be more precise, please. Do you get an error message? What happens, if you click on the link?
      From the stats of my share-online accout I see that it isn’t ….”impossible”, as many already have downloaded it.

  1. I think maybe what he means is it doesnt work via Android. I have tried downloading on Android, and after the waiting, validating and the actual download link appearing I just get a “this download ticket is invalid”. Message. It does however work well on windows.

    • Even I’m not really old, I seem to be pretty old-fashioned when I think about devices that get you connected to the internet.
      I do not understand why you would use a damn smartphone at home longer than 1 or 2 minutes to browse for something. With that tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny display….why would I browse, read long texts or even watch movies?
      I would only watch a long video, a movie or would read long textes if I am on vacation without laptop… or perhaps snowed-in on some mountain. So having a PC (or a MAC), and/or having a laptop is a MUST for me.
      If I would have to use a smartphone longer than 5 minutes for browsing, while having a better option, I would throw that thing against the wall.
      And a solid PC is cheaper than most smartphones today, so it can’t be a matter of money.

      But enough of that, I will offer another option to download it.

  2. What an amazing story.
    I loved the idea of Kate strapped into her seat in her wetsuit while her air supply runs out.
    I see now why Kate resisted the advances of her team. Oh to be a woman pilot in the RAF in the 1960’s and a lesbian as well!
    I was impressed that Kate found the whole thing arrousing as well as terrifying.
    I can’t wait to see what takes place between Kate and Jessie.
    I know this is the frog women site but I have to admit that I was also excited by the thought of Kate in her flight suit almost as much as her wetsuit.
    Two outfits you would almost never see a woman wearing in the 1960’s.
    Thanks for a great story can’t wait to see what happens next.

    • Thanks, glad that you liked the story!
      Ok, it isn’t mentioned clearly but Kate is not a lesbian, she plays on both sides 😉
      Don’t know when exactly this story will continue, but perhaps Kate and Jessie will face Spectre again for revenge.
      And of course…underwater 😉

  3. Wow! Really magnificent, man. Very good narrative. The scene in which she is with the wetsuit attached to the bomber seat is really exciting. Good job. I wish someone made a movie like that. You already know: literature makes us imagine, but seeing in movies is what we like the most 🙂 Congratulations!

    • Thanks for the kind words!
      Yeah, that will be my first video project after I win the lottery 😉
      But I guess then I would die one day later…slipping in the shower. 😆

      • Ha ha!
        Well. If I win the lottery, I will contact you to make this project a reality 🙂
        Damn! Thunderball should have been like this! I have written some scenes just for me with frogwomans and in them the woman also, of course, enjoy with her wetsuit 🙂 I’m glad to see that we thought similar about it.

  4. ”Wow! Very well written and I love the description of how max could see her stiff nipples! Please, more stories like this one!


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