Just a quick post about video shoot 5 of Project F!
It went down last Sunday when we had the pool for 8 hours (like the last time(s)).
All in all, 6 frogwomen were in front of the camera at some point incl. the safety diver, Frogwoman Alice who participated in 2 videos.
In some of the videos, you will have up to 3 frogwomen in front of the camera at the same time.
I will release 6 or 7 videos from this shooting.
As scheduled, video 31 will be released on March 24 in the VIP club, and then a new one every 2 weeks.
All these videos will be also available to purchase in a video package but after one calendar month after their individual release in the VIP club.
All in all, I am happy with the shoot. Yeah, some things didn’t work out as planned/hoped, but that’s normal.
And other things… worked out pretty great actually!
I checked through the footage and I am sure you will like the videos π
As always I made notes on what to improve for the next video shoot, as this is a constant journey of learning new things as well for me.
I haven’t decided on which video to be released first… yet.
I did spend quite some money for the pool, new gear, and the frogwomen… and I hope that many of you guys will be interested in the videos and will get VIP club access.
In the summer (June) I wanna do my first video shoot in a lake, and a second pool shoot is planned for August/September.
I still have so many ideas for videos… so… if these videos make “enough” money… there will be plenty of more video shootings.
Great news, I’m looking forward to the release of your work.