The (near) perfect frogwoman outfit!

…well in my opinion 😉

In this clip, you will see one brilliant outfit for a frogwoman! It’s a shame there are so few scenes like this with an outfit like this (in color).


(click to enlarge)

And here is the whole clip:

It doesn’t get much better than that!

The suit and the double hose regulator are just awesome! 🙂

What I would give for some underwater peril or a scuba fight scene with a frogwoman dressed like that.

I imagine Fiona Volpe in that gear fighting against Navy frogmen in the final battle in Thunderball 😉

Your opinion?

And here is the title of the show:

IMDB link


6 thoughts on “The (near) perfect frogwoman outfit!”

  1. She looks great in that gear, her skin-clinging shiny black wetsuit in particular! Love her flipper walk as they wade into the lake, too. & watching her walking around in her wetsuit in Dr Yes’s hideout. Shame she’s not seen with the zip open- or suiting up, either nude from behind waist upward, or over a scanty bikini.

    • Yes, that wetsuit is really great. Would have love to see that underwater longer. And perhaps in some action scene 😉

  2. Great scene. Sadly she enters dry in the evil base, ha ha. Anyway, that wetsuit are really amazing an fit perfect on her. My favourite part is when she remover her hood and we see her beautiful hair. Damn! Another lucky guys in that filming set.

    • For it was actually the worst part when she removed the hood… 😉
      Then we could we her evil helmet hair cut….
      But she looked really good in that amazing wetsuit!

  3. When it comes to watching females scuba diving. I prefer for them to not be difficult to recognize amongst scuba diving with male scuba divers, by wearing identical wet/dry suits and having a hood on.


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