The villainess with an oxygen mask and a deadly poison!

Fancy title, isn’t it? 😉

This week I wanna present a different type of video! Not a frogwoman but a woman who wears an oxygen mask/gas mask with an air hose… This equipment gives her the protection she needs. Why? Look at the pictures…

So, the detective, who doesn’t have such a mask needs to do something about it…. 😉

(click to enlarge)

*EDIT* March 3: This scene deserves a big UPGRADE!

Check out the new post:

In case you wonder from which movie or series that video comes…

LINK: The title

Great scene… 🙂


1 thought on “The villainess with an oxygen mask and a deadly poison!”

  1. Finde es immer wieder so schade das sie das Fläschchen mit dem Gift nicht fallengelassen hat und alle ohne Maske draufgehen!
    Danke für deine grosse Mühe hier immer wieder Videos einzustellen!!


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