Frogwomen! – pictures – #1

Time to start a new series of frogwomen pictures! For today I present 8 frogwomen in different types of scuba gear.

Just in a wetsuit, in heavy gear, in vintage scuba gear, and modern scuba gear 🙂


And here are 8 pictures:

Any favorite?



Frogwoman attacked by…. antibodies! …and breast-grabbed by humans… – [Blog exclusive]

This famous scene has a lot to offer! We have a sexy frogwoman in white rubber, we have a thick rubber air hose and we have a weird scenario.

Our frogwoman is attacked by antibodies. They are all over her. So the three men have to remove them from her wetsuited body.

And of course, the antibodies are on her breasts as well… 😆

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

LINK: (Alternate link)

Well, that scene is sexy! And weird, and funny and….sexy!

Your opinion?


The movie title:

LINK: Title

*EDIT*: Wanna have some great pictures of Raquel Welch in that outfit?

Check this post!


An alien frogwoman in a rubber wetsuit!

…..on a boat, underwater, on the beach, and on the streets. Well thanks to “tim smith 3” who remembered the scene and posted about it with a comment, I have a new scene for you!

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Great scene, and the best news, she is running around in that outfit the whole movie/episode! 🙂

Here is the title of the movie/episode:

LINK: Title


Frogwoman in danger! Classic vintage scuba scene [Sea Hunt]

I got another fine scene for you 😉

I couple dives around as suddenly the man puts an additional weight belt on the frogwoman and rips off her mask and her mouthpiece!

Another diver witnesses the scene and tries to save her…

(click to enlarge)

And here is the whole video:

*EDIT* March 7, 2022:

The frogwoman here is handicapped (temporarily) and takes diving sessions to improve her legs to be able to walk again one day.

So, the evil diver tries to take advantage of that to drown her!

You can’t be much more evil than that….

I love that scuba gear of her! Great action…. 🙂

…it would be even greater if the whole thing would be in color 😉

Wanna know the title? Here it is:

LINK: The title to the video


The Frogwoman and the shark

I have another fine scene edited for you guys!

A diver in a nice 60’s rubber wetsuit dives along the screen…..wait, to be precise…. a frogwoman!

But soon, a shark, a great white has spotted her….She tries to hide, but…..well, you can watch the video to see how it ends….

Some pics:

And here is the whole sexy video (including a scene with her above the water):


New post here:

And in case you wanna know the title of the movie:

LINK: The Title

In my opinion the near perfect scuba gear for a sexy frogwoman. I would prefer a double hose regulator to this single hose, but well…it’s great!


Hot scuba babe with sexy wetsuit und full face mask

In this video, you have one hot scuba lady in a great wetsuit at the beach. Later on, she will put on a full face dive mask.. 😉


And here is the whole video of her:

Thanks to “Dominik” for pointing me to the video and to the uploader.

My “holiday underwater” report will follow the next few days 😉

And meanwhile, on my other blog, you can watch a female firefighter in her heavy gear including an oxygen mask 😉

