Frogwoman in danger! Classic vintage scuba scene [Sea Hunt]

I got another fine scene for you 😉

I couple dives around as suddenly the man puts an additional weight belt on the frogwoman and rips off her mask and her mouthpiece!

Another diver witnesses the scene and tries to save her…

(click to enlarge)

And here is the whole video:

*EDIT* March 7, 2022:

The frogwoman here is handicapped (temporarily) and takes diving sessions to improve her legs to be able to walk again one day.

So, the evil diver tries to take advantage of that to drown her!

You can’t be much more evil than that….

I love that scuba gear of her! Great action…. 🙂

…it would be even greater if the whole thing would be in color 😉

Wanna know the title? Here it is:

LINK: The title to the video


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