Sophia Loren in vintage scuba gear… again! – Scenes 1 and 2

I know about this one for a long time and was rather surprised I haven’t posted about it.

Maybe I made a post about it ages ago and the video I had then was blocked or so… not sure.

Time that the scuba scenes of this movie get on this blog as well!

We have the gorgeous Italian actress Sophia Loren in it and she was only around 23 back then as the movie was filmed.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

If you are a regular visitor to this blog you should know what my biggest issue here is….

Yeah, not a big fan of the aspect that she is diving in her normal street clothes, pretty much the unsexiest cloth someone might wear for diving.

On the other hand, it’s a young Sophia Loren and she looks gorgeous in anything.

In my version, she would have worn a vintage scuba suit from that era.

I also really love that she is using a double hose regulator, looks great!

Of course, I would have loved an action/peril scene here, perhaps the combination of some sharp rocks with her vulnerable intake air hose 😉

However two good scuba scenes with Sophia Loren in interesting gear.

There is one more scuba scene from this movie which will be posted as well in the next weeks.

*EDIT* Extra info:

As a nice guy mentioned, the woman in the underwater scenes is “Scilla Gabel” who was here as the stunt/dive double for Sophia Loren.




Scene 3 can now be found here as well:

That is not the first time I posted about Sophia Loren in scuba gear… check out this one as well:

Wanna know the movie title?


What do you think of these scenes?

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4 thoughts on “Sophia Loren in vintage scuba gear… again! – Scenes 1 and 2”

  1. Absolutely fantastic diving scene! I agree with everything you said , it would have been sooo much better if they had stumped up the budget for a black rubber suit and hood, but the director probably thought she looked sexier with hair flowing and in standard clothes soaking wet.

    • Don’t know exactly how hot it was as they were filming there… but perhaps it was just too hot for those wetsuits. Or like you said… the director/producer preferred it like this.

  2. Love seeing a woman diving a two hose regulator.
    Something erotic about watching the hoses bouncing around underwater !!!


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