She wasn’t alone underwater… – Female scuba diver attacked!

Here we have another example of a female scuba diver in action underwater! Our lady puts on her scuba gear and gets ready to dive. As she is underwater someone attacks her from behind!

Who will win (survive)? Check out the video:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

What’s your opinion on the scene?

I like the buildup, but the end isn’t so great in my eyes…

*EDIT* March 10, 2022:

My problem with the ending here is that he yanks her regulator out and she immediately drowns…. at least that is the way they show it.

A really odd ending to a scene that started really well with her sounds and struggling. As it seems he doesn’t turn off her air as he had the perfect opportunity to do so.

Then her (quick) drowning would make more as she wouldn’t have got any air even she still had the regulator in her mouth.

Here is the link to the title of the TV show:




7 thoughts on “She wasn’t alone underwater… – Female scuba diver attacked!”

    • Thanks, always good to hear some positive feedback 🙂
      And thanks for the link, very interesting. In fact Thunderball is my favorite Bond movie and one of my “hall of fame” movies. It has some many great scenes, most of them are in your videos.
      Good work!


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