How to move an iceberg? The lady in the vintage wetsuit knows!

[2nd post for today]

Thanks to “Tim Smith”, who recommended this series, we have this nice wetsuit scene with a woman and a girl in vintage (70’s?) wetsuits…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, that’s a nice outfit for a teacher πŸ˜‰

And that’s the tv-series it was taken from:


9 thoughts on “How to move an iceberg? The lady in the vintage wetsuit knows!”

  1. Right I just remembered another film from 2012 called Big Miracle. I am afraid it’s not vintage scuba, but it does have a scene with Drew Barrimoor ice diving in full gear with whales and there is a good few shots of her in her mask under water. I don’t know if it’s your thing but I am racking my memory for anything women and dive related.

    • Yeah, I remember that one. But I have to see that again. In the past I didn’t check much for the wetsuits, I wanted to see them diving in scuba gear. I’ll check that one again.
      Thanks for the reco.!

  2. To think she probably didn’t really need to wear a wetsuit as she wasn’t scuba diving but still interesting none the less. I saw an episode of Naomi’s Nightmares of nature where Naomi Wilkinson visited Florida and she put on a two piece wetsuit (no snorkelling or scuba but she looked pretty yummy) just to wade in the water to see a very large tortoise.

    • Thanks for the reco.! Will try to find it. What kind of wetsuit is it? On a quick search it looks like the show is pretty new. That makes it unlikely that her wetsuit is really sexy. But perhaps…

  3. To be fair it was wetsuit that had been used a lot by the looks of it, the name on the wetsuit was Atlantis or something like that, Anyway it was one of those two numbers with a farmer jane and a shorty jacket on top. Maybe not the sexiest wetsuit but as I say in my opinion Naomi looked yummy in it.


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