I got a mail from a guy who already recommended me some videos/movies. Thanks to him you got the chance to watch them later on this blog.
He asked if I would know the movies/TV shows to his descriptions and the linked video.
Well, I don’t know them….but maybe YOU do!
Here are extracts from his mail:
1) its basically two women scuba diving, but they find a dead body of another scuba woman (there was a drowning scene of her btw)
anyway i thought i share that with you, don’t know much of the plot cause i was only interesting in the scuba scene.
2) which reminds me, I remember another scuba scene from a japanese drama this time involving three women learning the scuba dive then later while diving their instructor (a guy) suddenly drowns and they investigate. (sorry for the bleak info thats all i could remember)
So….if you know the title to one or both of these two…
…feel welcome to leave a comment!
no luck? damn.
Perhaps….A nice guy send me this clip he found on his drive:
Is it related to your search?
Japanese tv series have seem many scuba content that we don’t know. Nice plot actually.
I found the second one on pornhub 😉
Who does upload such a clip to pornhub? 😆
However, it looks kind of interesting and like it would fit to the request…
well thanks to virtual ruben found that clip (as well as the the one i showed you but with the scuba drowning scene first) was nice to see those videos again. was nostalgic and enjoyable