Diving inside a mall (with a crazy criminal) – part 2

I hope you had all a fine Christmas time!

Now it’s time to return to the flooded mall, where our scuba girl was left by the villain in a room that was nearly completely flooded. She has no scuba equipment and can’t escape…

Will she be saved?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, drowning inside a mall would have been a rather unusual death… but as mostly the brave female lead actress can be saved.

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Feel free to leave a comment!

There will be one more post before the year is over 😉

4 thoughts on “Diving inside a mall (with a crazy criminal) – part 2”

  1. If I may so suggest yet another flick featuring frogwomen: the 2000 Dutch horror TV flick Dykkerne (known globally as Beyond and in Hungary as Odalent (Down There)), in which 3 teens, two frogboys and a froggirl, find the sunken Nazi sub U-461, complete with a dark secret that wouldn’t be outta place in iD Software’s Wolfenstein and Persona 2 – a secret certain bad guys want for themselves. (Speaking of which, where’s B.J. Blazkowicz when you need him? For that matter, imagine Tatsuya, Eikichi and Lisa in the three teens’ place…)

    • Hey, thanks for the reco!
      I do know that one, have seen it some years ago. It can’t remember much, but it seemed that it didn’t made a lasting impression on me.
      I will check it again, perhaps it has enough good material for a post.

      P.S.: For messages you can/should use the contact form 😉


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