Crazy guy wanna drown 2 women! Incl. a fight with female scuba diver! — UPGRADE [incl. longer video + 2nd video]

I re-uploaded the video to this old post just some weeks ago:

Shortly after I realized that there was a better video quality available (720×480) and I re-watched the movie yesterday.

So, I will make a BIG UPGRADE to the old post:

— better video quality and a longer cut of the scuba highlight of the movie

— a 2nd video just for the blog, not for my (public) Youtube channel

— a proper text for this interesting movie


Preview, main scene:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

This movie is quite interesting and has unusual dark humor.

Ok, let’s start with some negative aspects before we come to the good ones.

The underwater scene is scripted quite odd in some places.

The female diver, who is not a cop, but works as a movie prop master with the other blonde guy…. is the one here who puts herself in danger to save lives.

She cuts one woman loose and then gets attacked by the villain.

Meanwhile, the cop is above her and doesn’t help her. Yeah, he gives his regulator to the freed woman but doesn’t attack the villain.

But the “good” divers more or less ignore the other woman (red blouse) and she drowns because of that. They could have saved her (most likely) if they would have worked together.

But well, the movie itself ignores her at that point completely as well as she isn’t shown 😆

Two more (odd) things I noticed:

Surprisingly they incl. an underwater upskirt shot here as the producer sinks down with her skirt and pantyhose …. #odd #rare

If you look closely at the face of the freed woman in 2:57, you can see the marks of a scuba mask. Well, she wasn’t wearing one in the movie… but seemingly in the preparation of this shot.


I really like how the frogwoman here dives down quickly and decisively to save these women.

She manages to cut one loose and also ties the bad guy to the weight. Good job!

But what does she do next? She let the bad guy take her out of the action by letting him flood her mask and rip her regulator out!

How does that happen? She has all the advantages she can have. She has a wetsuit, a scuba mask, a scuba tank, and a knife!

He has nothing, can’t see much without a mask…. but manages to overpower her.

But then both are failing…. in a way.

He should have secured that regulator to be able to breathe…or at least try to do that. Her regulator was his one chance to survive here.

Ok, she was (seemingly) surprised by her flooded mask and regulator.

But she should have been able to put the regulator back in and clear her mask as soon she was away from him.

Ok, maybe she doesn’t have much experience and was shocked….but why does she stay on the surface then?

I don’t get why she stays there and doesn’t try to save the other woman….


However, it’s a really fine peril scene nonetheless!

A very rare setting with that insane guy and his drowning fetish.

In my version, he would attack scuba divers underwater and there would be some nice long scuba fights in the movie 😉


You now think that he actually drowned there very calmly?

Spoiler title
Well, at the end of the movie it gets revealed that he is actually still alive! Don’t have the slightest clue how the hell he did that as good guys stayed there for quite a while.


But I wanna share another scene from the movie.

In this earlier scene, he does make his first attempt to drown the female lead….

Preview, scene 2 (earlier in the movie):

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Good to have some more short scenes with our frogwoman in this one!

It’s quite odd that the bad guy drops his victim right on top of three scuba divers…

I mean, their boat must be close by and he should see and hear all those bubbles that they make.

But ok, maybe he was so blind (and deaf) as he was occupied with her….

The poor female lead is quite shocked by what she sees underwater….understandably.

The oldest corpse looks a little too “fake” and seemingly he killed all the others in a very short amount of time as they still look very “fresh”.

I like the plan as they try to fool him with that crafted corpse to get him on camera (as he visits them daily), even though that plan doesn’t work out and he can escape.

There are some more diving snippets with the villain but without any female divers.


There is actually a sequel to this movie.

I watched it very long ago and am 99,9% sure there are no female scuba scenes in that one, but I will check that.

Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think of these scenes?

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