An exotic beauty in a rubber wetsuit

This one is from a very rare movie (around 50 votes on IMDB).

It’s an Italian movie, but luckily at least some subtitles are available.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, I’m not a fan of such old bathing caps (scream grandma to me) and she isn’t wearing a full wetsuit….but it’s a sexy rubber vintage jacket, and also she is using a double hose regulator!

Enough reasons for me to put this scene on this blog! 😉

Never seen that mouthpiece, it looks like a verrrry simple design. But well, it seems to work.

Of course, I wouldn’t have “minded” if she would have run into some trouble underwater…but well it’s a solid scene 😉

She looks really stunning in that gear and I’m pretty jealous of him….I have to admit.

Sadly it’s the only female diving scene in the movie.

Wanna know from which movie this scene is from?


What do you think of that scene and her scuba gear?

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