A woman, a flooded tank, aliens, and an oxygen mask!

Today I wanna present an old classic that somehow wasn’t posted here on the blog.

In this one, we have a woman in a strange wetsuit/catsuit awaking in a flooded tank, with an alien observing her! And she is wearing a pretty unique oxygen mask 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, quite a unique scene!

Unfortunately, I don’t know the exact background story as I never watched this TV show, but perhaps someone can help with that!

However, I think it’s a nice and (too) short scene with quite a cool oxygen mask!

An interesting design that was most likely created for this show…#scifylook

The mask looks like they embedded a regulator in the lower part of the mask, but that is only my guess.

Damn, I wish she would have worn that mask for a longer period than in these short scenes.

Not sure what the aliens planned here but in my version they may have experimented with her oxygen supply to see how much oxygen a human needs 😉

The unmasking is a nice bonus since she doesn’t appear in that episode beforehand…. a nice reveal!

The suit she is wearing is also quite sexy! Hard to 100% say if that is some sort of modified wetsuit or a “catsuit” that just gets wet.

All in all a good scene for me.

Wanna know from which episode/TV show this is?


What do you think of that scene?

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