A perfect day for scuba diving – 40(!) pictures

Time for a special post in the middle of the week!

I wanna present a rather awesome picture story from a fine artist who posted this one on Deviant art.

In this story we have a naughty frogwoman and her rubber suit, a male freediver and a…..surprise guest!



Image 40 of 40

(use the arrows to browse throught the story – click on the image to enlarge it)


I also prepared a zip file with all 40 images for you to download:

A perfect day for scuba diving – all 40 images in ZIP file

Here is the link to the artist who created this awesome storyline:

Sky50783 on Deviant Art

He has a lot of other great pictures, so check out his work 😉

Subscribe to his account, comment on pictures and add them to your favorites!

My opinion (enjoy the complete story BEFORE you continue reading!):

Well…..what can I say?

WOW! Would describe it somehow….at least.

A stunning woman transforms into a sexy rubber frogwoman who really enjoys her rubber skin 🙂

Then she spots a freediver, drugs him, pulls him under and ………well…… starts “playing” with him 😉

Certainly something you won’t see every day!

She did’t fully succeed with her plan due to the croc alligator, but well, she had her fun and survived the croc attack.

Of course he poor freediver is now dead…which gives the story a rather ….evil…touch. But well, I do love it!

What do you think about the story?

Leave your comments here and on his DA page!




13 thoughts on “A perfect day for scuba diving – 40(!) pictures”

  1. I’m looking for the name of a movie where a guy with no equipment in a large pool drowned some divers. The movie was from the 60’s or 70’s. I don’t think the women were there, but the action was fun. Do you know anything?

    • Ok, that doesn’t fit as a comment to this post, better use the contact form next time 😉
      That sounds like an interesting movie for sure! Even I don’t understand why divers would be in a pool and he would be able to drowm them. I hope you haven’t imagined this 😆
      I haven’t heard of such a scene, but I will make a quick post right now. Perhaps someone knows it.

  2. Fantastic work, I really like it. It would be great if the author made a scene with two scubagirls in black wetsuit fighting and in the end one takes off the other’s mouthpiece and drowns her while holding her underwater.

    • I can only agree! Of course I would always favor to cut the air hose instead of removing the mouthpiece…but your version would be fine as well 😉

  3. Oh, of course I like the cut too. Congratulations for the blog, I hope I can contribute. Several Italian movies and TV shows have good scenes.

    • Sounds good! Well I knew a few and posted scenes to some of them over the years. Mostly from flicks with shark or sea creatures.
      You can contact me directly over the contact site here on the blog.
      Perhaps you have a good recommendation that I don’t know already 😉

  4. Great work, she looks so sexy in that suit and dive gear. I love the adventure she has and I love the naked scene at the end, I would love to have seen a few pictures of her striping the suit off at the end. But this was some amazing work and the world is a better place with her frog woman adventure in it.


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