A female astronaut in peril! [Star Trek]

Ok, time for something different!

As you may/should know I am interested in all sorts of breathing gear. Especially when women are using it.

This blog is mainly about female scuba divers, but here and then I wanna post scenes with gas masks, oxygen masks, or scenes with female astronauts in action.

This one is a short one, but one of my favorite scenes in that genre!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I included every second of her in that suit.

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the bad aspects of the scene.

You can easily spot that her (plastic) helmet/visor is broken as she lays on the bottom.

After a cut, it is intact again. Seems like the prop helmet wasn’t very durable 😉

Then her air hose breaks free from the coupling (right word? – sorry, my English space gear vocabulary isn’t that good).

Ok, that might ….perhaps…. be somehow possible.

Another continuation error then is about the air hose. First, it lays flat, without tension, on the floor.

As she touches her visor and gasps for her the hose is ….”erect”…. as if it wasn’t made of rubber anymore (last picture above) 😉

Then she just plugs the hose back into the coupling. I hardly doubt that that might work as the coupling must be damaged as the hose broke out of it.

Also, the air hose should be under quite the pressure, so I don’t believe that it would work.

But anyhow, enough nagging for today.

There are many great aspects in this scene for me!

I love her breathing sounds as she walks around! And the first-person view from her helmet is a great addition, it’s very immersive….for me as I used to play some video games like that.

Then the short moment as her air escapes her suit/hose…. is just very sexy for me. I love how she gasps for her and realizes that she is in big trouble!

Her precious air is escaping quickly and she must repair that somehow very quickly in order to stay alive.

I like that she doesn’t panic and manages to stay calm. That saved her life in this scene.

She manages to plug the hose back in and her breathing slowly returns to normal.

Damn, I love peril scenes like that! And such a scene with a female astronaut in (oxygen) peril is verrrrry very rare….sadly.

Even though this scene is only short and has some flaws, it’s just very sexy for me.


I would love to see a scene where two female astronauts would fight against each other.

They wouldn’t have any fancy weapons and they simply would try to suffocate the opponent by ripping/cutting/damaging the air hose of the other one.

It would be a long struggle until one of them would finally get the upper hand.

Wanna know the title of this episode?


What do you think of that scene?

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