The frogwoman and the diver who got sucked in!

That’s a title 😉

Well, it’s time for a new post and this one has a pretty long history.

I used to have this show some years ago and started watching it, but lost interest somehow after some episodes.

Then several nice guys recommended the show for its scuba scenes.

But in the meantime I somehow….lost….the show, don’t know how it happened.

I tried to get my hands on it again, but no luck…..for a looooong time.

Finally, some weeks ago I got it and checked every episode for scuba (and other) scenes.

This episode has by far the best scenes, and perhaps I don’t even post about other episodes…but let’s see.

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, not that much action in this scene….but doesn’t she look incredible with the silver ScubaPro regulator?

I know there are some guys who really love to see such lips around a regulator….

Not a fan of her scuba mask as I don’t like such see-through silicone on masks, but well, only a minor complaint.


Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Quite a nice peril scene as she gets sucked into that pipe!

Ok, with that speed it’s hard to really see something but the sounds are….interesting.

And well, even the guy got injured as he got trapped down there….. he gets rescued by her, so….the day wasn’t a total fail 😉

I really love the regulator the two lifeguards are using. Sadly, these new, high-end Scubapro regs are pretty expensive…. I got a similar (older) one for Project F, but that isn’t as great as this version.

Damn, I really would have LOVED to see this frogwoman in a scuba fight in that TV show….but well, no luck.

Wanna know from which episode this is?


According to IMDB, it’s episode 19, in my listing, it is 11…..

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

“Scuba time” by Vicky Devika

[2nd post for today, you can find the other one below]

Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!

Over the last months, I presented 8 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Scuba time”.


Official description by Vicky:

It’s scuba time, and we’re taking this to the next level: a new high definition camera, a new suit, amazing angles and perfect crystal clear water like you’ve never seen before!

Remember the amazing location from my previous clip Cenote Adventure in Latex? Ever since I found that unique location, I had been wanting to scuba dive in this perfect crystal clear warm fresh water.

A lot of thinking and preparation went into making this scene a reality, as I had to take a 30 minute walk into the jungle with all my scuba gear in order to get there. For this reason, I’m donning a small 19cf tank. Anything bigger would have been impossible to carry with me!

You might notice the loud screeching noise made by my failing first stage reg. For those who are into peril scenarios, you’ll certainly take great pleasure in knowing that my gear was in the process of failing.

Indeed, as soon as I hooked up the old vintage reg, I knew something was up because of the horrific sound it made. Nonetheless, after walking this far into the jungle, there was no way I’d abort the dive. I went and dove in, knowing full well that my reg was in its last miles. What would you know, the reg actually failed the next day at home! Knowing this could have happened at any point during the dive really adds to the excitement, don’t you think?

More than half this clip is shot using a new high definition underwater camera in third person view. I’ve also included some second-person footage shot using the action cam as per my previous clips’ style.

Video quality here is incredible crisp, and at many points you can’t even see the water. It just looks like I’m floating in space.

Dive with me for another completely unique scuba adventure!

Here are some images from the video:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

And a preview snippet:

As you should know by now I love masked women, therefore I do have my other blog Maskripper.

If a woman is wearing a mask that she also uses as her breathing device… hits two of my fetishes at the same time.

So, I really enjoy seeing Vicky using a gas mask to breathe underwater!

Her new latex suit is pretty awesome as well. With the black zipper and the beavertail, it is cut like a vintage wetsuit…with the big difference that it is actually made from latex.

As you can read in the description above her regulator was close to failing….and yeah, that’s a nice detail to keep in mind while watching this video 😉

Would love to see her using a gas mask with big double hoses as well! The setup she used in the swimming pool.

I think my all-time favorite Technisub scuba mask would also look awesome on her:

Back to the video:

That water is really crystal clear and offers a look that is just perfect for such a video. You won’t find better conditions in open water.

Much clearer as is most oceans. Reminds me of Silver Springs, Florida where they shot big parts of Sea Hunt.

With the rocks and the wood, you would also have a great setting for an underwater action video 😉

I imagine two frogwomen fighting each other down there, struggling to get the upper hand, while massive formations of bubbles are heading towards the surface.

So folks, check out the video!

Here are the important links for you:

“Scuba time” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links

What do you think of her dive in this gear?

You are welcome to post a comment!


One of the weirdest scuba peril scenes of all time! [Frogwoman Org cut]

This one is pretty….special!

It shows how you can incl. a pretty good scuba peril scene into a complete mess of filming.

My jaw dropped open pretty wide as I saw this for the first time. Thanks again to the guy who recommended me this episode!

I edited the peril scene heavily so I cut out all the few bits as they were constantly showing some of the folks on the yacht while she was diving.

It was insanely scripted…but more on that later on 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well………WOW! What the hell is going on here? And how can you film it like this?

Let’s start at the beginning. I don’t know what they are talking about at the beginning as I don’t speak Turkish.

But I would guess they aren’t so happy that she is diving alone. But seemingly there is no other dive equipment on the yacht or no one wants to dive with her.

As most know it’s not the best idea to dive alone.

But within seconds she gets managed to trap herself as her leg gets stuck in some rocks (always think about Thunderball when that happens 😉 ).

And almost instantly the situation gets out of control as she is breathing very heavily. I mean she is underwater for such a short time…she should have at least around 40 minutes of air if she remains calm. Plenty of time to get rescued, plenty of time to free herself.

But what does she do? She passes out and loses her regulator?????? Well….. how can that happen?

Whoever it was who wrote that scene, doesn’t really have knowledge about scuba diving. And seemingly no one in the production had.

But what happens next? She is underwater for a minute or two and already they are thinking that something is wrong and the guy jumps into the water.

Why? They couldn’t have had any clue about something being wrong.

He puts the regulator back in her mouth and we can see her clearly breathing from it.

He gets her on the ship and starts to resuscitate her. Check out how he positioned his hands:

Certainly, no method from which I ever heard of 😀 ….that naughty guy!

Oh boy….so many strange things. Well, yeah, it’s a Turkish soap opera. And you shouldn’t expect much from such a diving scene in it.

But some sort of logic in all of that would be nice….

However, the scene in which she struggles to get free and starts heavily sucking on her regulator….is very sexy!

Sadly that’s just some seconds…but well, that’s at least something.

As I mentioned above I cut out all the little parts where they are constantly cutting from her in struggle underwater to one of the random folks on that yacht for some seconds which interrupts the underwater scene constantly and is a very irritating method.

You can check out the original here:

(around minute 24)

So I would say my cut is better when it comes to the scuba scene 😉

But still, there is a lot of wasted potential in this scene.

Wanna know from which show this is from?


(don’t know the exact episode, but maybe episode 2, according to the name of the Youtube file above)

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!




“Reef Dive in Rubber” by Vicky Devika

Time to present another stunning video from Vicky Devika!

Over the last months, I presented 6 videos of her in which she wore stunning outfits and used all sorts of different scuba masks.

In these videos, some great fantasies of mine come to life, and I am sure that many of you will love these videos as well!

Today I wanna present the video “Reef Dive in Rubber”.


Official description:

I’ve been wanting to go scuba diving out in the ocean in full rubber gear for quite some time, and I finally made it happen! This is the footage from 2 fun boat dives with a local dive shop. Yes, I geared up in full rubber on the dive boat! The other divers were definitely curious about my “wetsuit”. The dive master on the other hand is used to my craziness by now.

Full head to toe rubber, vintage rubber fins and my old faithful Dacor regulator adorn my sexy body as I swim around the reef, enjoying the view. Now in this clip, I don’t get as sexual as I usually do in my other releases… for obvious reasons of course, being with a group of 5 strangers on a dive boat…

Still, I did manage to fall behind the group a little bit and “scratch that hitch” for a few seconds. Honestly, this only made me feel more aroused… Now I’m hooked, I have to do it again!

Join me for fun times in scuba! What are you waiting for? Just dive in!!

Here are some images from the video:

And a preview snippet:

The new scenario in this video is really great!

I read the description before I watched the video and immediately my mind started spinning 😉

I mean she was on that dive boat with 5 strangers (+the dive master) and actually put on that rubber suit!

Not too hard to imagine what the others have thought about it 😉

And I can applaud her for having the courage to do that! Not many would do that I would say.

I wonder how the others reacted to her in that outfit? I guess some blushed a bit and tried desperately not to gaze at her too obviously.

Pretty sure that’s what I would do…. 😆

Diving in such an outfit must be quite a sensation and I think the other did enjoy the view she offered as well. Well, perhaps the straight women not so much, as they became rather jealous (I guess).

Also, it is great to be able to just go to a local dive shop and get on such a dive. If I want to go diving at some place where you actually can see something (in both meanings) I need to get onto a plane.

The scuba mask and the great Dacor regulator are a great addition to her stunning rubber suit!

And this video will be only the start, there is more ocean footage to come! Even with a double hose regulator 🙂

Here are the important links for you:

“Reef Dive in Rubber” on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika on Clip4sale

Vicky Devika’s website/links



If you click on the last link of those above….you can find a preview of a great picture collection of 34 smashing pictures of Vicky in rubber with all kinds of scuba gear and gas masks!

(the big version of this picture can be found on her page)


The picture collection is another bonus if you follow Vicky on Onlyfans. 😉

My favorites are her in that gas mask with the twin hoses (just PERFECT!) and the pictures with her double hose regulator.

What do you think of her ocean dive in this gear?

You are welcome to post a comment!

An unexperienced frogwoman on her first dive

This odd scene from a Russian movie (tv show?) shows how much you can do wrong when you go on a scuba dive!

I don’t understand the Russian audio but clearly, the woman never dove before and the guy has some experience with scuba diving.

Let’s start with some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Oh man! These two do a LOT of things that you shouldn’t do while diving! 😉

Her excuse may be the little to no experience that she has. A fine example of why you shouldn’t dive without a proper scuba certificate!

She gets a panic attack and accidentally rips out his regulator, he should now just retrieve his regulator and the situation could be under control again.

But he grabs the regulator of the panicking frogwoman….what a disaster move!

These two have 4 working regulators in total…but what do they do? Use only 1(!) of them! Oh man…..

Of course, pulling out her regulator makes things worse and she heads to the surface….way too fast!

These two can be happy that they are still alive. 😆

I don’t have an IMDB link this time, I just know the English title:

“Wanted a wife with a kid”

*EDIT* Original title seems to be: IMDB

If this is a Russian movie or TV show…I don’t know.

What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment!


The murderous scuba instructor and the frogwoman [Hall of FAME – Upgrade]

Luckily a new, better copy of a certain movie showed up. 🙂

This is an UPGRADE to a scene that I posted in the very early months of this Blog, in December 2013.

Most of you should know this one….if not… you surely missed something!

This scene is undoubtful one of the very best scuba peril scenes that you will ever see, so it deserves this upgrade badly. And for sure it is THE best scuba peril scene from my country (so far).

The picture quality is slightly better now and I wanna make a worthy post that fits this EPIC scene.

This scene can be found in the Hall of Fame on this Blog….together with other great scenes!

And as this is a rather small TV movie from 2000  with only 73 ratings on IMDB, I doubt that there will be ever an HD release, so this might be the best quality for this one…ever.


A young woman is on vacation with her parents. She falls in love with a handsome guy who happens to run a scuba school at the beach nearby.

She is curious and wants to dive with him. After a training session in the pool, he convinces her to make a nightly dive to a wreck.

He has special plans for her…..murderous…. plans! He has a job to fulfill!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I envy those of you who just saw this scene for the first time!

There are some aspects, that could have been done better for sure…..but damn, when it comes to scuba peril scenes….this one is hard to top.



[watch the video first!!!]

First, the sneaky bastard lures her into a wreck, perfect for his evil plans.

He is the experienced diver and she has nearly no practice at all.

But seemingly he is too sure of himself! Early on he makes a first mistake.

Instead of a surprising, simultaneous attack on the mask AND regulator, he “just” uses one hand to attack her as he rips out the regulator. And he could easily grab her mask afterward as she is completely surprised by his attack and needs some seconds to realize that he wants to drown her.

I love the shocked look on her face as she realizes what her beloved instructor is actually up to!

But instead, he grabs her arms. Ok, if he would have been able to control her arms…that wouldn’t be a problem. Without her regulator, she would drown quickly. But she manages to escape his grip!

And again, he makes a mistake….as she is reaching for the shaft of that champagne glass he could have easily ripped her scuba mask off which would have made her pretty helpless immediately.

But he somehow just pointlessly yanks at her….what is he doing???

However, as she slams that glass shaft into his leg…. he starts to gain control over the situation again.

The way she manages to retrieve her regulator greedily sucks for air and is so close to escaping the wreck….is greatly done! Now he is in full control as he pulls her back in and starts yanking with force on one of her air hoses (I don’t think that it is actually her (main) regulator as she is breathing from it for some seconds afterward. And she could have used her second regulator otherwise, pretty sure she had one. Of course only as long as there is still air remaining in her tank.

I don’t know if you actually could rip of such a hose like that…but sure as hell, it’s a great view as her air starts gushing out with force! Especially as she reaches behind her to see if she can do anything about it.

As the evil instructor leaves her trapped in the wreck, she manages to stay somewhat calm and manages to focuses on how to escape.

She realizes that her quickly emptying tank builds an air pocket and gets the oxygen she desperately needs.

Also, she finds a method to break through that window and thereby escape the wreck.

Ok, that fact that she manages to swim up the whole way, even stopping so that he would drive away….might not be SOOOO realistic. And also if she would make it to the surface, she might get the bends as the wreck was seemingly in some depth.

But of course, for the movie to go on, the lead actress had to survive this trap…

In conclusion:

This scene has so much to offer….

A surprise attack where he rips out her regulator! A struggle! A counterattack from her!

He pulls her back in and rips off an air hose! A tank spewing bubbles! Her desperate breathing in the air pocket!

Her struggle to break through the glass! Her desperate ascend and panic attack as she reaches the surface!

>>>>>> As a BONUS for the few VIP members of this site, I uploaded 5 videos from this scene to the VIP site of this month (May).

These scenes are between just 6 seconds and 7 minutes long ….and focus on different aspects of this scene. With a little cutting….some “sexy” results showed up. 🙂

If you are not a VIP right now, you may consider joining now as this is only a BONUS for the content that is already waiting for you this month!

Wanna know from which movie these scenes are? Here is the link:


What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!









Diver rips out the regulator of a female diver!

This is a rather special scene I forgot to upload so far.

It’s a rather rare movie that is nearly 30 years old…but luckily it was shown in full HD on TV!

Story: A female scuba diver explorer the underwater world alone as suddenly she gets attacked from behind….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Hah, I am sure you were surprised by that twist! 😉

Pretty brutal “test” to attack his own daughter like that and to rip out her regulator!

I guess many here would have loved to see what would have happened if that wasn’t a test, but a real attack. 😉

However, I really like the sneaky attack and the short struggle afterward. Sadly there is no other scuba scene in that whole movie which made this opening a little …..odd.

The title of the movie was actually in the video…but in case you missed it:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!


I will post a new scuba fetish story next week 😉

The scuba avenger will strike again! This time on the movie set of the Thunderball remake!

Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 3 – [Blog exlclusive]

Another great scuba fight scene with a woman in a comic! Thanks for recommending me this one 🙂

Now all you folks may enjoy it too!


« of 7 »


(Click on the image and browse through all 7 images to see the whole action!)

As the comic is obviously in a french language I didn’t really try to understand the whole story but rather concentrated on the scuba action (where no language is required 😉 )

I really love how they struggle and that he goes for her air hose immediately and cuts it.

Love scenes like that!

What I really don’t get… on the cover and later you can see that she actually has a 2nd regulator (in gold/yellow)…..WHY doesn’t she use it as soon her primary/regular air hose is cut?

Perhaps she is in panic or shock….but well, if you can’t get air from your normal regulator…you should try the other one 😉

Ok, she loses a lot of air through the cut hose but until the tank is empty….she can use the 2nd regulator.

Or perhaps she just wanted to be saved by the guy 😉

What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

Diving inside a mall (with a crazy criminal) – part 2

I hope you had all a fine Christmas time!

Now it’s time to return to the flooded mall, where our scuba girl was left by the villain in a room that was nearly completely flooded. She has no scuba equipment and can’t escape…

Will she be saved?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, drowning inside a mall would have been a rather unusual death… but as mostly the brave female lead actress can be saved.

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of that scene?

Feel free to leave a comment!

There will be one more post before the year is over 😉