Your opinion!

For a certain….possible….future project I wanna ask for your opinion! Yeah, that was vaguely enough ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, it would be great if you take a minute or two and answer the following questions!

[last updated: May 7] a scuba fight?

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….yeah, there would be a third option, but this is FrogWOman org ๐Ÿ˜‰


Wetsuits! Which material do you like to see on a woman?

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Wetsuits! Which color do you like the best?

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How long should scuba action/peril videos be?

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Let's say there is a drowning in long should it be? (Only the drowning itself)

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What do you like to see in a scuba fetish video?

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Drowning or "weapon kill"? (spear gun, knive etc.)

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Which regulator do you prefer in such a fetish video?

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*May 3rd* NEW questions! Thanks for all the answers so far ๐Ÿ™‚

How do you like...... Shorties?

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An example:


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*May 7th* NEW questions! Thanks for all the answers so far ๐Ÿ™‚


BCD jacket (Buoyancy control device) ...OR... weight belt? (on a frogwoman in scuba fetish video)

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Your favorite drowning method in a scuba fight?

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How much score (music) should be in a scuba fetish video?

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Feel welcome to leave your comment on this page!


50 thoughts on “Your opinion!”

    • I love to see two scuba women in full face scuba masks in a drowning scene where one of them pulls off her face masks while fighting underwater choking her from behind

      • That would be something really new I believe! There are very, very, very few scenes with women in FFM’s in scuba fights in the movies/TV shows.
        I like your idea!
        Or how about that:
        After a long struggle one manages to cut the air hose of the other one.
        Then they struggle over the control of the one FFM that is still working……and both manage to get control over it for short amounts of time….until finally one of them drowns. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. I would like to se a transformation of sexy black rubber frog woman (possibly the victor of the fight) to ordinary woman in a dress. But thatโ€™s just me.

      • Oh normal speed please but maybe edit the highlights of the strip transformation.
        That would be sexy as hell.
        The adventure is over , the very sexy fight has been won and all her sexy bad ass gear has been stripped off and ditched and she walks off in her dress blending into the crowd like none of it even happened, the perfect assassination, from the perfect assassin, nothing gives her away save for her occasionally nightingale her lip to superstar the tingling thrill she feels every time she savours what she has just done.
        Also I love wilkinss77โ€™s idea for the design of her wetsuit.

  2. I voted neoprene for the wetsuits question. I meant smoothskin/shiny finish neoprene, preferably black with yellow seams & beavertailed or at least front zipped.

      • What I had in mind is a wetsuit like that worn by Monique Van Der Wen in Amsterdamned, or a beavertail suit in the same colours & finish, with low waistband bottoms. & with a scene showing or hinting at her being nude underneath, either stripping into it or unzipping it.

  3. I would think maybe a women vs women, underwater fight. something thunderbolt-ish. like two rival groups of women go scuba diving, in full body wetsuits, single hose air tanks, bcd, flippers and masks with nose pockets, to hunt for treasure only for both sides to have confrontation underwater, basically there would be spears, knives, drowning (and a neutral tentacles attacking everyone) some of the fights would look like caressing/humping though. something like that.

      • yeah just imagine it: the struggle, some would get their regulators cut, gutted by a knife, shot by spears or tangled in tentacles. like one diver girl helps her teammate subdue another or one diver girl uses another as a shield to block a kill shot and of course the occasional friendly fire.

        • Sounds like a pretty big battle ๐Ÿ˜‰
          Overall I do prefer close combat and drowning over stabbing/being shot but with a bigger spear and knife mayhem can be included ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Neck entry wetsuits which are skin tight? I think I would prefer the man vs. woman where the woman teases the man then stabbity. A woman being speared where she acts out the scene. and floats, fins up.

  5. I love to see two women in full black and blue scuba diving suits and full face scuba masks in a underwater wrestling fight snatching off one of their diving mask or cutting off their air hose

    • That certainly could become a great video!
      As you can see on this blog and especially in the “Hall of Fame”, I’m a big fan of air hose cuts ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Just imagine, you have a female scuba diver in full clad neoprene scuba gear with a full face scuba mask in search for a missing murder weapon in the Icey waters of the Norwegian Fjords suddenly another woman diver comes from behind and attacks her by wrestling her to snatch off her full face scuba mask and drown her but she gives her assailant the elbow and the fight is on both wrestling in deep water until she pulls out her knife and cut her air hose off and snatching off her assailants mask causing her to swim to surface immediately and both end up in catfight in the water

          • That’s a great idea one of them can pull off their mask while tussling underwater like a WWE underwater wrestling match and put her opponent in a underwater choke hold until she drowns

  6. 2 women in black one piece swimsuits or wearing white tshirts revealing black one piece swimsuit underneath/twin hose regulators/full face masks, struggling with each other with knives in hand… ??

    • You may suggest anything ๐Ÿ˜‰
      French cut wetsuit would be really great….not easy to get one these days….

    • Yeah, why not…but I would like some unsuspected twists. A diver attacking a swimmer and straight drowning them…..would be too predictable.
      Perhaps the swimmer then manages to pull down the mask of the diver, surprising her by that. Perhaps she would even manage to steal the regulator.
      And then the battle about the one regulator starts! Who knows who will win….

  7. Oh, you should also look into suits like the Hydroglove latex drysuit, which is a vintage replica. Latex catfish also makes an all latex Viking Drysuit ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thanks for the reco. I googled it.
      Not a big fan, as it isn’t really tight-fitting. I rather prefer rubber suits or smooth skin suits.

  8. Can I have the whole thing in scuba drowning, put some extra like spear gun hit and knife stab on her.

    No music I like the sound of bubbles and the struggle on the scuba fight ?

      • That’s overkill for a one victim ?. Like the thunderball scene bond spear, yank a regulator and mask, knife a specter frogman, and even use a bomb. He did all that to a multiple frogman. I wish that kind of scenario happened to frogwoman.

  9. There are so few videos of women wearing atmospheric diving suits. I wish that there is a video that features a woman wearing atmospheric diving suit or 2 women fighting while wearing both wearing atmospheric diving suits ( Preferably JIM suit ) .

    • Would be interesting to see that in action, especially with some peril included ๐Ÿ˜‰
      But I don’t think a suit like that can be bought on eBay for a couple of bucks ๐Ÿ˜†

    • I love to see that happen maybe two women in environmental suits and oxygen masks wearing Jim suits in a underwater battle to the death until one of them drowns and sinks to the bottom

  10. Drowning methods: how about caught in net or something similar?I’ve watched a short video of this before, guess it is not from a movie or tv episode…


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