The sister in law [sabotaged scuba gear]

Always wanted to see the whole movie since I heard about the scuba scene in it.

Never found the movie so far….but I found a nice clip that I wanna share with you. No edits were needed.

2 frogwomen and a frogman dive together.

But soon one of them realizes that evil forces have sabotaged her scuba gear (tank)!

Sorry for the bad picture quality but this was the best I found so far. And it’s a rare TV movie from the 90’s so……



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Still would love the see the movie to get the story!

Who are these people? Who wants to kill her….and WHY?

Why are all 3 of them diving alone each after a while?

Well, from this clip the guy would be my primary suspect as the other woman decides to help her.

But who knows without more info….

If you know a way to get the full movie, please let me know!

Quite a nice scene! Especially as her gear was sabotaged! Someone wanted her dead since her gauge isn’t showing that her tank is empty.

A little odd is the fact that she isn’t moving at all. If I would be out of air I would swim towards the rescuer who has spotted me but is still in some distance.

The movie title is already in the post title, but there are tons of movies with that title….so here is the link to the movie:


What do you think of this scene?

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7 thoughts on “The sister in law [sabotaged scuba gear]”

  1. I’m fairly sure I posted about this movie before although I cant remember the title. I definitely saw this on tv years ago – I seem to recall another scene where the blonde woman acts as a femme fatale seducing then killing a male victim. This scuba scene is very similar to the one in BLACK WIDOW. I love the contrast between the pink and yellow wetsuits and hoods. Its kind of funny how she replaces the regulator in her mouth even though her tank is empty !

    • Where did you post about it? Yeah, the scuba scene here has simalarities to the one in Black Widow. But the one in Black Widow… ten times better…at least.

  2. Good scene and the most attractive diver, imo, ended up in trouble which is always good.

    I thought at first that the guy was probably the responsible one from the way that he suspiciously sneaked off but then the female did almost the same. It’s a shame she didn’t fin over to “help out” then, instead, hold the out of air diver down while the guy watched from afar 😉

    I did look this up on imbd and it seems that the woman is the one most likely to have caused it. IMDb also had a list of alternative titles for this “The sister in law” film which I tried to look up on Vimeo etc without much success in finding the entire film. Interestingly, it said that an alternative title for this film was Bloodknot, which was also released in 1995 but which had a slightly different running time and cast (Margot Kidder was in it, for example).


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