This video will be posted “just” here on my blog, not exactly material for YouTube 😉
I know this movie for a long time and some folks have recommended me in the last years as well. Today this famous scene is finally on this blog as well.
What do we have here?
A nice boat with some folks who are looking for a small island. A small island with a rather mad scientist.
One of the women wants to go on a dive to take some pictures.
But soon, a (very pregnant) tiger shark is attracted by the pretty nude scuba lady.
And that isn’t the only danger that awaits her…
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video (on google drive):
A tiger shark, a zombie …and a pretty naked frogwoman! [Blog exclusive]
Well, certainly a lot of stuff you don’t see every day 😉
Personally, I would rather like to see her in a black rubber wetsuit…but I know many others will prefer this “outfit”.
The action with the tiger shark is pretty spectacular, especially for such a low-budget flick.
No CGI, no plastic shark…but a real one in close combat with a zombie.
And what is interesting as well:
The zombie doesn’t seem too interested in biting her…. maybe he is fascinated by that frogwoman as we are….and has other plans? 😉
Here is the movie title:
What do you think of that scene?
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