Thanks to a very nice follower of the blog I finally watched a certain movie for the first time in full length.
The first time I heard about the movie, I skipped through it, noticed that Halle Berry didn’t use a scuba tank in that movie, was disappointed, and didn’t watch the whole thing.
Well, that was a mistake…. because of three reasons: Halle Berry and her sexy wetsuit, it is a solid shark movie, and Halle Berry and her sexy wetsuit. 😉
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I did to cut that video shorter as I originally intended to have a better chance that YouTube wouldn’t make trouble…but only with partial success.
YouTube blocked that one in 2 countries…if you are unlucky and live in one of those…. try this link:
Well, Halle Berry and such a wetsuit….are a rather stunning combo! 🙂
Even it is a modern wetsuit, it has that “rubber look” because it is a freediver smooth skin version.
And that scene where she asks him to zip her up…..pretty great!
A shame she didn’t scuba dive in that one…
And here is the title of the movie:
What do you think of it?
Feel welcome to leave a comment!