Scuba couple gets trapped in a wreck! [Flipper]

[2nd post for today]

This time a scuba couple gets trapped in a wreck as they are on a treasure hunt.

But rescue isn’t far away in form of 2 divers (one female). So we have 2 frogwomen in this one!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, a solid “trapped underwater with a 99% depleted tank” scenario 😉

I wonder why everyone is so reckless before they get trapped underwater? Both should have been out of the wreck long before they did.

They were very lucky that help was already on the way.

But it is a good scene and having 2 frogwomen in it doesn’t hurt either 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


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What do you think of that scene?


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