Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) ….and the roaring shark

Many of you may know this one already….but it has to be on the blog for some reason. It was long overdue!

In this post, you will see Angelina Jolie in her prime in a stunning bikini and even …stunnier…wetsuit. And one of the most embarrassing moments in cinema history.

So, check this out….these scenes mix greatness ….with madness!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I edited the scenes down from over 11 minutes to under 5. But it was blocked in one country nonetheless, for those who can’t see the YouTube video…here is another link:

Google Drive

Ok, these scenes are special to me. I was in love with Angelina back then and I always loved scuba scenes (and wetsuits).

So….I do love most of these scenes.

She looks great in that bikini and even greater in that tight, silver wetsuit.

It is pretty uncool that they use scooters with -build in- oxygen tanks. And dangerous….if you ever have to dive without that scooter for any reason… 😉

I had hoped for a scuba fight with some bad guys on the way back….but what do they come up with.

A….roaring shark…..a ROARING SHARK!!!!! Were they all on drugs as they come up with that scene? And later too as they filmed it?????

That is something the guys at the SCIFY channel would (and had) do when they make another 5$ shark movie. But in such a movie?

Really embarrassing! And the fact that she lands a hit with her fist on his jaws to stop him….makes it even worse.

But well, just ignore these last scenes and you do you a great looking woman in a stunning wetsuit!

And that is more than a good reason to watch this scene for me.

In case you somehow don’t know the movie title:


What do you think of that scene?

Let us know by commenting below!


12 thoughts on “Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) ….and the roaring shark”

  1. Very nice,
    This was definitely Angelina’s best look of her career.
    The silver suit looks amazing on her, and though it lacks a front zip it more than makes up for it with the addition of the boots and that sexy equipment harness.
    The only real crime is that she is in it too briefly and we don’t get to see her pull it on or strip it off.

    • “The only real crime is that she is in it too briefly and we don’t get to see her pull it on or strip it off.”

      —> Yeah, we can agree on that! 😉
      And for my taste A little more UW action would have been great.
      Hopefully there will be another Tomb raider movie with Alicia Vikander where she dives…

  2. I always liked Angelina, and it was a good Lara. But what I did not like is … Lara’s clothes in those movies! That silver wetsuit is fine, but they were the only minutes in which she really looked like the Lara of video games. I always preferred real models like Nell Mcandrew, Lara Weller or Lucy Clarckson, who dressed like the Lara of the game: green latex shirt or black catsuits.
    The shark … That scene makes us laugh, not afraid 🙂

    • Yeah, but you couldn’t put Angelina in a green latex shirt in the movies… 😉
      That would have raised a big shitstorm I guess. Even it would look great with her twins in it.

      • Yeah! The problem is that the films were made with a very real style. If they had done more fun, they could have put that latex shirt that I love 🙂
        At least we have the model Lara Weller, who in 1999 appeared on an episode of the Spanish TV series “Compañeros” (partner) with that shirt. But I could not find that episode in HD 🙁

      • Why not? Her nipples are on full view under her wetsuit, as she’s most likely nude underneath! In the poster for the film, they airbrushed or photoshopped her protruding nipples out.

  3. I agree that the latex vest might have been a problem, but every female action hero at the time usually had a least one black catsuit in their wardrobe, usually leather or pvc as apparently this gave them extra stealth ( it must have helped them blend into a crowd) so it was a shame that we never got to see the lovely Angelina dressed in one.
    Still I gotta love the silver wetsuit.

  4. It’s a shame that Lara doesn’t drown any bad frogman. I would like Angelina stabs a patroling frogman, wrests his precious mouthpiece from his lips, and lets him gurgling and bleeding before to be meal for hungry sharks. Angelina would wear her silver suit and frogman would be black clad from head to toe, with gloves and hood (it’s hell to be stuck into a rubberized jail beside a stunning lady). A wretched frogman drowned by a powerful Lara : any chance to find such a good scene in next movie ?

    • Sounds like a really good idea! 🙂
      Well, there is a chance something like that may happen in the next movie…. But a rather slim one I fear 🙁


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