Jacqueline Bisset and her white shirt underwater! (with scuba gear)

Well, I guess 90% of you guys know this movie… if you don’t know certainly missed something for sure!

I mean: Jacqueline Bisset + (only a) white shirt + underwater + scuba gear = GREATness!

I edited and prepared this video…. in HD of course for all the details 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (around 9 minutes long!):

LINK: Jacqueline Bisset and her white shirt underwater! (with scuba gear)


And if you still don’t know from which movie the scene is:


1 thought on “Jacqueline Bisset and her white shirt underwater! (with scuba gear)”

  1. Gorgeously attractive Jacqueline Bisset is in this, scuba dive, scene. Did she really scuba dive or not, and where is this located at?


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