Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 3 – [Blog exlclusive]

Another great scuba fight scene with a woman in a comic! Thanks for recommending me this one 🙂

Now all you folks may enjoy it too!


« of 7 »


(Click on the image and browse through all 7 images to see the whole action!)

As the comic is obviously in a french language I didn’t really try to understand the whole story but rather concentrated on the scuba action (where no language is required 😉 )

I really love how they struggle and that he goes for her air hose immediately and cuts it.

Love scenes like that!

What I really don’t get… on the cover and later you can see that she actually has a 2nd regulator (in gold/yellow)…..WHY doesn’t she use it as soon her primary/regular air hose is cut?

Perhaps she is in panic or shock….but well, if you can’t get air from your normal regulator…you should try the other one 😉

Ok, she loses a lot of air through the cut hose but until the tank is empty….she can use the 2nd regulator.

Or perhaps she just wanted to be saved by the guy 😉

What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

4 thoughts on “Frogwomen in action/peril! – Comics – Scene 3 – [Blog exlclusive]”

  1. Great drawings….confused by the panels though….who cut her air supply? Who’s the diver shooting from the speargun? Who got done in underwater?

    • Yeah, it would be easier if not all would wear the same gear…
      She is followed by a bad guy, that cuts her air hose. She sinks to the nearby bottom and he seems to just watch her. Then her colleague/friend shows up and attacks him from behind and finishes him off quickly.
      Both are attacked by another bad guy….but I don’t really understand what happens in the end. Other then they survive and the other bad guy doesn’t.


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