2 frogwomen with spare air and a surprise! [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #13]

Time for new female scuba scenes from Baywatch in HD! This video has two scenes with 2 frogwomen! And the Hoff is there in one scene as well.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Two nice scenes for sure! And who wouldn’t swap to have Mitch’s job? 😉

Not much action, but seeing these two in these suits above and underwater… is a fine thing!

Ok, I prefer real scuba tanks to these spare airs….but a nice variation for sure!

These scenes are from this episode:


What do you think of these scenes?

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3 thoughts on “2 frogwomen with spare air and a surprise! [female Baywatch Scuba scenes in HD #13]”

  1. Love it. The lycra dive skin that they wear make there body hotter than wearing those two piece bikini. Above and underwater love it. Especially the beach scene when they are wet and standing around they are both stunning. And again mitch using anti viagra no boner or bulge on his wetsuit ?. What are the problem on them, they are surrounded by beautiful women in wetsuit and lycra dive skin in and out of water. ?.

    • Well, you gotta commend his professionalism. I liked the underwater scenes the most, them moving around in those skin-tight suits. I don’t mind the lack of scuba gear though, you can see more of their bodies…

      P.S. I really cracked up at the random woman yelling “What is that?? A BODY?????”

  2. Very sexy suits . Terrible scuba gear. Most divers call them Three breaths till death.
    But it’s always worth seeing those ladies underwater and even better. wandering round on dry land still dressed like that.


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