The villainess with an oxygen mask and a deadly poison!

Fancy title, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰

This week I wanna present a different type of video! Not a frogwoman but a woman who wears an oxygen mask/gas mask with an air hose… This equipment gives her the protection she needs. Why? Look at the pictures…

So, the detective, who doesn’t have such a mask needs to do something about it…. πŸ˜‰

(click to enlarge)

*EDIT* March 3: This scene deserves a big UPGRADE!

Check out the new post:

In case you wonder from which movie or series that video comes…

LINK: The title

Great scene… πŸ™‚


1 thought on “The villainess with an oxygen mask and a deadly poison!”

  1. Finde es immer wieder so schade das sie das FlΓ€schchen mit dem Gift nicht fallengelassen hat und alle ohne Maske draufgehen!
    Danke fΓΌr deine grosse MΓΌhe hier immer wieder Videos einzustellen!!


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